Wynford Gardens Condos have a total 755 new units to the site, along with renovations and reconfiguration to some of the existing hotel.The 39-storey residential tower would add 431 suites to the site, with the 32-storey tower adding 324 units.

Wynford Gardens has 4-level underground garage, providing 766 spaces for residents and visitors. 578 bicycle parking spaces would also be available for resident use. The main floors of the new towers would contain a multi-level restaurant, bar, and lounges, along with daycare facilities and outdoor childrens play area. 1,442m² of indoor residential amenity space would be provided in each tower on both the 3rd and 4th floors.

The whole complex would be accessed by a driveway further north on Wynford Drive than the existing entrance road, which would only continue to provide access to Accolade Condos and the Delmanor seniors complex.